Heritage Studies Collective

Heritage Studies Collective is a platform for exchange of knowledge and expertise within the field of heritage research.

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Heritage Studies Collective (HSC) is a non-profit network, founded in 2018 to create and encourage an effective community of heritage studies within the Middle East and beyond.

Recent development in cultural heritage sector in the region has made this a vital time for encouraging new research, promoting new research collaboration between different fields, and supporting and challenging researchers within heritage studies.

HSC’s purpose is to act as a tool for building strong interdisciplinary connections across the region, by offering an accessible network of diverse and dedicated academics and researchers in the field, whose research focus is on Arab and Islamic heritage.

The HSC intends to build, strengthen, and sustain contacts between heritage studies scholars and professionals across various disciplines by disseminating information and promoting collaborative work between groups and professionals locally, nationally, and regionally. 




Support Researchers

Create a community lead platform for heritage studies researchers to discuss, engage, and support one another.



Promote Best Practice

Share knowledge on best practices to enhance the standard of research.



Encourage New Research

Promote collaborative research between professionals within and across specialised fields


Become a Member

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